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Logo 67443

67-443: Mobile Application Development in iOS

Carnegie Mellon University
Fall 2024 - Professor Heimann

Profh teaching

This course provides students with the concepts and techniques to design and develop mobile applications, and to understand the design process for mobile applications. Students will learn some of the key concepts in mobile application development through course lectures and a series of lab exercises where they will build a variety of small applications. Students will then apply these concepts in the course project where they will build a high-quality mobile application in iOS that meets a need unaddressed in the current marketplace and that could be offered in Apple's App Store. This course is an elective course in the Information Systems major and is open only to juniors and seniors in the major who have completed 67-272 or equivalent.

Links at the top and bottom of the page should direct students to relevant course materials (schedule, course policies, project assignments and the like) that are being used for the Fall 2024 semester. The general policies link are for those adopted by the IS Program; all will be adhered to in this course.