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About the cmuis.net project

The cmuis.net project has been an ongoing venture for Prof. H and his students for a number of years and has evolved over time into its present state. In its genesis, Prof. H worked with Stafford, Noah, Ashton and Seth to create an initial prototype that was used and has been modified over the past few years for course sites for 67-272 and 67-311. In the summer of 2014, Prof. H worked with a set of seniors (Luke, Jia, Kevin and Allison) to advance the project to the point it could handle multiple courses at once and implemented other new functionality. In recognition of all their contributions, below is a brief bio for all the men and women who helped make cmuis.net possible.

Summer 2014 Team

Profh piazza bw Prof. H  As a Klingon code warrior, Prof. H takes seriously the old Klingon proverb: "ghojwI'pu'lI' tISaH" ('Care about your students'). When he is not teaching students, battling code bugs, or searching for the perfect stout beer, he is either teaching chess or prepping for various marathons and triathlons.   Jia bio bw Jia Chin  Being a sweets connoisseur and experimental dessert chef in her spare time, Jia also loves to cook up cool things with technologies, whether they be flavorful front-end UIs or zesty back-end tools. Aside from baking her signature choux cream, she enjoys playing/listening to music and reading.
Luke bio bw Luke Jasko  Commitment doesn’t scare Luke; he's much more afraid of `git push` because in the end, you can't rewrite history. When not disrupting his sleep schedule with late night coding quests or attempting to explain the 'cloud' to curious relatives, Luke enjoy jumping out of planes, watching Good Will Hunting or reruns of Boy Meets World, and a (responsible) glass of whiskey neat.   Allison bio bw Allison Min  Allison originally came to CMU for architecture but realized her true calling and switched into information systems. She has never looked back. Allison now works in New York City for BNY Mellon and is a founding member of the Don Taylor Advising Fan Club.
Kevin bio bw Kevin Chen  Kevin enjoys long walks on the beach, 2 Chainz and Taylor Swift mashups, and spending his free time working on the next Great American Mobile App. He is a kind and gentle soul that is just looking to share his take of the journey that we call 'life' with the world, be it through Snapchat, LinkedIn, or Instagram.      


Other contributors

Noah bio bw Noah Levin  Noah graduated from CMU with a BS in information systems and an MS in HCI in and is now a Senior Interaction Designer at Google currently living in San Francisco. He was once in a Sour Patch Kids commercial, but sadly didn't get a lifetime supply of them as a result.   Seth bio bw Seth Vargo  A software engineer by day, Seth Vargo is a prolific conference speaker, open source contributor, and author by night. When he is not making slides or writing code, Seth enjoys teaching students of all types, eating the most bizarre sushi he can find, and writing technical books.
Stafford bio bw Stafford Brunk  Stafford is currently working as a software engineer for Custom Ink. He is married to the love of his life, Stephanie, and the two have just completed their biggest project together (so far) -- building a new home in Denver, CO.   Ashton bio bw Ashton Thomas  Ashton currently spends all his time either focused on wellness & fitness software with his startup venture Acrinta, trying out great pumpkin ales, or trying to determine his favorite subatomic particle.
Melanie bio bw Melanie Freeman  Melanie is currently working as a software engineer primarily as a cover for her true superhero identity. When not developing software or decoding the dancing men cypher, she is attends ComicCons and Ren fairs and allows the world to see her true self there.   Alexe bio bw Alex Egan  Alex Egan is a man. No. Not just a man -- he is the man. (... and he has the code to prove it.)
Jordan bio bw Jordan Stapinski  Jordan is a design engineer who roots for anything but Boston sports. He drinks too much Starbucks coffee and definitely gets the most out of his Spotify membership.   Jeremy bio bw Jeremy Lee  Jeremy is a an avid web developer and has been in the field for over a decade with his first bedroom-server. He's always down for pizza and frequenly goes by the nickname germs.