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67-443 Lecture Schedule

Fall 2023

Below is a listing of the lectures and reading for each class. The schedule is only applicable for the current semester. This schedule is also tentative and may be changed as conditions merit it. If our pace is faster or slower than anticipated, then I will add or delete items at my discretion. Any changes will be announced in class and class announcements supersede the schedule presented here.

Date Topic Resources
August 29 Introduction to mobile apps and Swift  Swift Guided Tour  Team Sign-up Form
August 31 Swift: optionals, structs, closures  Fizzbuzz Starter  Swift Intro Playgrounds  Article on optionals
September 5 Guest Lecture: Principles of Innovation  Reading: Innovation Essentials  Free public APIs  David Songer lecture (Box)
September 7 Building a basic iOS app in Xcode
September 12 Design principles for mobile apps; tools for innovation  Lecture Slides for Fall 2023
September 14 Guest Lecture: Professional Mobile App Development  James Ormond lecture (Box)
September 19 Wireframing and prototyping  Slides (large)  Apple Design Guidelines
September 21 Mobile UI patterns  iOS Design Guidelines, Illustrated  Slides (large)
September 26 JSON and interacting with APIs, part 1  Starter code for class exercise
September 28 JSON and interacting with APIs, part 2  Starter code for class exercise
October 3 Firebase  BookManager-Firebase code  Starter code for class exercise
October 5 Saving data on mobile devices  Super Hero Library example
October 10 OOP and functional programming in Swift  POP class examples  Star Trek playground
October 12 Protocols, extensions and delegation  SimpleDelegate  Starter code for class exercise
October 17 Fall break (no class 10/17 or 10/19)
October 24 SwiftUI; Working with NoSQL dbs
October 26 Reactive programming Introduction
October 31 Reactive programming & Combine  Class exercise solution  Using Combine (online book)  Repo Combine Playground
November 2 Reactive programming & Combine  BlackJack Combine
November 7 Class canceled -- Democracy Day
November 9 Machine learning and mobile apps  iPhone Pricer app
November 14 Push notifications  PriceCheck-PN
November 16 More on async and testing; Navigation  NavigationApp
November 21 Augmented reality in mobile apps  ARKit Lecture (video)
November 28 Hybrid frameworks for mobile  Dart examples  Flutter navigation
November 30 Guest lecture: Turning your app into a business  Soft launch of The League app (CMU IS alum Amanda Bradford)  James Ormond lecture (Box)
December 5 FastLane and TestFlight
December 7 Course summary
December 15 Project Fair