Course Objectives for 67-443
Fall 2024
After successfully completing this course, students should be able to do the following:
Use either Swift/iOS or Kotlin/Android frameworks to develop a variety of native mobile applications;
Create innovative solutions to address real-world situations that meet user needs that have not yet been addressed by the market;
Apply disciplined techniques for bringing an original idea from fuzzy concept, to prototype design, to feasibility testing, to the reality of potential application launch;
Understand design patterns, testing, and other aspects of advanced software design and architecture;
Be able to work with the asynchronous transfer of data between app and service and optimize processing to improve user experience;
Know and apply principles of user-centered design to the development of software for mobile platforms to ensure a rich and satisfactory user experience;
Apply best practices in agile project management to make plans, organize projects, align resources, monitor obstacles to success and design strategies to overcome them, and achieve desired outcomes;