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67-443 :: Sprint 1: Ideation

In this phase, we are focused on creating a great idea for a mobile application. To do that, we want to first make sure that it is an application that fits with the "mobile mindset" and leverages some of the strengths of the mobile platform. After that, we want you to be able to enumerate the main features of your app and the "pain point(s)" the app is going to address and the value it will provide to users.

Note that we do expect some data collected from users or other external evidence to support these findings; this cannot be just your conjecture. Especially with regards to the pain points and the app's value to users, data from user surveys would be invaluable and we expect that you will have collected that information from at least six potential users from the target population.

The deliverable for your first sprint will be a report that addresses the following questions. (Note that this list will basically be the 10 criteria we will use to evaluate the report as well, so you know in advance exactly what we are looking for.)

  1. How well does the app fit in with the mobile mindset?

  2. Does this app utilize any of the strengths of the mobile platform?

  3. What are the main features of the app?

  4. Who are the target users of the application?

  5. What is the pain point that your app addresses?

  6. What is the value provided by the app?

  7. What is your app’s lifespan? Opportunity for return users?

  8. What has been learned from user research performed to date to support these positions?

  9. What (if any) existing APIs are you planning on using?

  10. What is the biggest foreseeable challenge for implementation?

In the end, we want you to summarize your findings on these questions by going through the desirability-viability-feasibility assessment we discussed in class and demonstrating that your idea will satisfy these well enough to be an innovation worthy of the effort this semester to build it out.

In addition, you are required to turn in a one-page report on your mentor meeting(s). You will be provided a template for these reports and must use the template; failure to do so will result in a 25% penalty on this phase.


This sprint deliverable is due electronically via email to your supervising TA and alumni mentor by 4pm on Thursday, September 21, 2023. It will constitute 4 percent of your final course grade.

During this sprint you will have two required 15-minute check-ins with your supervising TA (on 9/11 and 9/18) and you have one required check-in with your alumni mentor (to be scheduled with him/her for some date between 9/14 and 9/17). As a reminder, failure to complete these check-ins in a timely manner will result in a grade penalty.


Due Date: September 21, 2023

Weight: 4.0