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67-443 :: Sprint 5: User testing of app, v.1

In this phase, we want you to user test your first version of the application with at least six users from your target user audience. Have at least six users complete a variety of tasks on the actual app (version 1 previously created) and record the responses. Was the app intuitive to use? Were users able to complete the assigned tasks quickly? Were there any interactions that surprised users?

After each user completes his/her set of tasks, take the time to also discuss forthcoming functionality planned for the second version. How desirable is this additional functionality and how much would it improve the app from the user's perspective? (Essentially, which future features are "must have" versus "want to have" versus "like to have" from the user's perspective?) Is there other functionality that hasn't been included or discussed that the user (having used version 1) might now consider essential or highly desirable?

Your deliverable is a short written report with records this information. The main report should summarize the findings of the six (or more) users as well as provide an analysis of lessons learned and a revised development plan going forward. The details of the user test responses should be placed in an appendix to the report.

Note: you only have one week to complete this sprint instead of the usual two, so it is highly recommended that you get started ASAP on the testing.


This sprint deliverable is due electronically to your supervising TA and alumni mentor by 4pm on Friday, November 15, 2024. It will constitute 2 percent of your final course grade.

During this sprint you will have one required 15-minute check-ins with your supervising TA on 11/11. You may check in with your alumni mentor (encouraged) to discuss user test results, but this is not strictly required this phase. As a reminder, failure to complete this check-in in a timely manner will result in a grade penalty.


Due Date: November 15, 2024

Weight: 2.0