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67-443 :: Sprint 6: Version 2 of the app

In this phase, we are focused on creating the second version of the application. In addition, unit test coverage for the application is required and must be at greater than 90 percent coverage to avoid any penalties for testing. Since the final project review will be coming shortly, the review of this sprint is simple and quick; we are simply going to check if the functionality is in place so that the app meets all the targets laid out earlier, some of the targets, or few/none of the targets laid out in earlier phases.


This sprint's deliverable is a Xcode project repo that the reviewers can build on their laptops to see the functionality working and to run the automated testing suite. The submission of this deliverable (i.e., access to your GitHub repo) is due electronically to Prof. H (GitHub ID: profh) as well as your supervising TA and alumni mentor by 4pm on Thursday, December 7, 2023. It will constitute 2 percent of your final course grade.

During this sprint you will have three required 15-minute check-ins with your supervising TA (on 11/20, 11/27, and 12/04) and you have one required check-in with your alumni mentor (sometime between 11/28 and 12/03). As a reminder, failure to complete these check-ins in a timely manner will result in a grade penalty.

In addition, you are required to turn in a one-page report on your mentor meeting(s). You will be provided a template for these reports and must use the template; failure to do so will result in a 25% penalty on this phase.


Due Date: December 07, 2023

Weight: 2.0